
should be Learn more about should be

  • Planting methods of succulent plants

    Planting methods of succulent plants

    Planting methods of succulent plants

  • Purchase of British Snow Dog

    Purchase of British Snow Dog

    (1) before purchasing, you should first read some materials or books about this dog, and initially grasp the external shape and internal characteristics of this dog, so as to avoid being at a loss as to what to do or even mistakenly choose unqualified breeds. (2) the shoulder height of this dog should not exceed 70 centimeters, because the puppy is not fully developed, it should be about 60 centimeters, and the weight should not exceed 30 kilograms. (3) the head should be long and narrow, the snout should be slightly square, the forehead should be obvious, the incisor should be clamped or scissors, the nose should be black or

  • Fertilization techniques and methods of edible fungi and rational irrigation of flowers

    Fertilization techniques and methods of edible fungi and rational irrigation of flowers

    Rational irrigation of flowers

  • How to improve the hatching rate of ostrich culture

    How to improve the hatching rate of ostrich culture

    (1) Scientific feeding management 1. Complete and balanced nutrition. The nutritional level of ostrich is the basic factor affecting hatching rate. The metabolic energy requirement of ostrich feed during breeding period is 11 ~ 3 kJ/kg, crude fat should be limited to 6%~8%, protein should be 18%~24%, and the metabolic energy requirement of ostrich feed during breeding period should be 11 ~ 3 kJ/kg.

    2020-11-08 how to improve the hatching rate of ostrich breeding
  • Five main points of raising sheep in winter

    Five main points of raising sheep in winter

    Five main points of raising sheep in winter

  • What should be paid attention to in the use of antibiotics

    What should be paid attention to in the use of antibiotics

    What should be paid attention to in the use of antibiotics

  • Matters needing attention in Family Culture of African Violet

    Matters needing attention in Family Culture of African Violet

    Notes for family farming of African violets African violets: also known as African pansy, are perennial herbs. Like enough scattered light to thrive and blossom. The Violet pot soil should not be too dry or too wet, and should not be watered on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will be macular or rotten.

  • Operating rules for pollution-free breeding of domestic fish

    Operating rules for pollution-free breeding of domestic fish

    1. Pollution-free management and cultivation of parent fish 1. The cultivation base requires no three wastes pollution, the atmospheric environment meets the requirements of "GB3095~1996 Environmental Air quality Standard", the soil environment meets the requirements of "GB15618~1995 soil Environmental quality Standard", and the water used for aquaculture meets the requirements of "NY5051~2001 pollution-free Food Freshwater Culture Water quality Standard". two。 The parent fish pond covers an area of 515 mu and a water depth of 1.5 to 2.5 meters. After exposure, the pond is strictly sterilized with quicklime and so on.

  • Matters needing attention for upside-down Admiralty Bell in Culture

    Matters needing attention for upside-down Admiralty Bell in Culture

    1. Purify the air and plant inverted Admiralty plants indoors, which can not only decorate the indoor environment and make the indoor become vibrant, but also remove some harmful substances and play a role in purifying indoor air. 2. medicinal value upside down Admiralty this plant is a good traditional Chinese medicine

  • The culture method of night incense

    The culture method of night incense

    The culture method of night incense

  • Maintenance and management of bonsai

    Maintenance and management of bonsai

    Bonsai is a living work of art, it changes all the year round, from small to old, even in the morning, middle and evening of the day. To maintain the long-term artistry of bonsai is inseparable from meticulous maintenance and management, as the saying goes: ".

  • The method of cutting Propagation of French Holly

    The method of cutting Propagation of French Holly

    French holly is a good street greening, because its shape is very similar to the pain coral tree, so it is also known as the Japanese coral tree. Generally speaking, French holly is mainly propagated by cutting, and the survival rate is high, so the method of cutting propagation is widely used in production. So what should be done for cutting propagation of French holly?

  • Lipstick hanging orchid leaves how to do the correct culture method to share

    Lipstick hanging orchid leaves how to do the correct culture method to share

    Lipstick hanging orchid can watch both flowers and leaves, which is very easy to survive, so it is a good plant to breed, but many friends often encounter abnormal leaves in the process of maintenance, and even lose leaves in serious cases. Lipstick hanging orchid leaves how to do? Let's take a look at the details today.

  • How to carry out epidemic prevention in dairy farms

    How to carry out epidemic prevention in dairy farms

    There are two main purposes of epidemic prevention: one is to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases, and the other is to extinguish infectious diseases as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Epidemic prevention measures mainly include two aspects, one is the usual preventive measures, and the other is the extinguishing measures when infectious diseases occur.

    2020-11-08 Milk cattle farm epidemic prevention how to carry out epidemic prevention purpose Lord
  • Dried Lentinus edodes

    Dried Lentinus edodes

    The drying technology of Lentinus edodes is very important, which plays a key role in the shape, color and flavor of Lentinus edodes. The drying equipment must be dried with a dryer to ensure the quality, and the local drying should be completely eliminated. When drying, the size and thickness should be separated, the dry and wet should be separated, the mushroom stalk should be placed flat on the drying screen, the mushrooms with small and thick water content should be placed on the bottom layer, and the mushrooms with large water content, thin and small should be placed on the upper layer. Fresh mushrooms with high water content can be dried in the drying room after drying in the sun for 1-2 hours. The initial drying period of ①: the drying temperature should not be too high or

  • Several points that should be paid attention to in potted plant maintenance of tea plum

    Several points that should be paid attention to in potted plant maintenance of tea plum

    Avoid leaving too many buds: the bud gestation period is very long, and some varieties even have a + month pregnancy. A lot of nutrients need to be consumed from bud gestation to flowering. If a large number of buds are not thinned in time, it is difficult to ensure that there are enough nutrients for bud development and flowering in the later stage. Spraying Flower Zhuangtiling at the Bud stage

  • Do you know what you should do to grow flowers in each month?

    Do you know what you should do to grow flowers in each month?

    Growing flowers is not only as simple as watering and fertilizing, there is something to do almost every month. So, what on earth should flower cultivation do every month? January, when the weather is the coldest, at this time, first of all.

  • Matters needing attention on how to raise Brazilian wood

    Matters needing attention on how to raise Brazilian wood

    Matters needing attention on how to raise Brazilian wood

  • Cultivation methods and precautions of asparagus bonsai

    Cultivation methods and precautions of asparagus bonsai

    Asparagus is a perennial plant belonging to Asparagus genus of Asparagus family. It is native to South Africa and distributed in central China, northwest China, Yangtze River Basin and southern China. It can reach several meters high. It has extremely tall ornamental plants and can be placed in living rooms and studies. It can purify the air and add a scholarly atmosphere.

  • The cultivation method and precautions of Rieger Begonia should be suitable for growth and development temperature

    The cultivation method and precautions of Rieger Begonia should be suitable for growth and development temperature

    Begonia, Begoniaceae is a herbaceous plant. Rieger Begonia is plump and rarely reddish brown. The flowers are diverse, mostly double petals, rich in color; and the flowering period is long, lasting from December to April. Let's talk about the breeding methods and precautions of Rieger Begonia
